On behalf of the Ilbirs Foundation, we extend our sincere gratitude to the American Councils for the opportunity to participate in the C5+ONE program, which focuses on engaging professionals from public, private, and non-governmental sectors in the fields of energy and environmental protection.

On behalf of the Ilbirs Foundation, we extend our sincere gratitude to the American Councils for the opportunity to participate in the C5+ONE program, which focuses on engaging professionals from public, private, and non-governmental sectors in the fields of energy and environmental protection.

Administered by American Councils offices across five Central Asian countries—Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan—the program offered us exceptional opportunities to enhance our English language skills. Over the course of […]

Article in akipress

Article in akipress

https://eco.akipress.org/news:2142066  The camera traps were installed in summer 2023 for wildlife monitoring  as part of the project Enhancing Transboundary Conservation Efforts Between Chon-Kemin State Nature Park (Kyrgyzstan) and Ile-Alatau National […]

31 июля прошла встреча #SMART специалистов ОФ “Фонд Илбирс” с егерями по итогам 1-2 квартала 2024 года в Государственном природном парке Хан-Тенири🤝. Отличившиеся успехами егеря, а также оператор базы данных SMART были […]