The training brought together experts and young professionals from 7 countries 🇰🇬🇲🇳🇹🇯🇮🇶🇵🇰🇦🇫🇳🇵 to exchange experiences, discuss issues, and seek solutions for effective nature conservation. This program is part of a […]

The training brought together experts and young professionals from 7 countries 🇰🇬🇲🇳🇹🇯🇮🇶🇵🇰🇦🇫🇳🇵 to exchange experiences, discuss issues, and seek solutions for effective nature conservation. This program is part of a […]
The workshop was a platform, where the findings of these assessments presented, and the structure of the new NBSAP discussed with members of the Interagency working group on developing NBSAP […]
Dreaming of a real adventure in the wild? Want to explore majestic mountains, crystal-clear glaciers, and witness rare wildlife up close? Join our expedition tour to Khan-Tengri National Park, guided […]
Dreaming of a real adventure in the wild? Want to explore majestic mountains, crystal-clear glaciers, and witness rare wildlife up close? Join our expedition tour to Khan-Tengri National Park, guided […]
Новые данные исследований 2023-24 г.” Организатором выступил общественный фонд «Фонд Илбирс», площадку для проведения мероприятия предоставил ПРООН в Кыргызской Республике. На отчётной встрече присутствовали представители Министерства природных ресурсов, экологии и […]