On May 2-3, 2024, a workshop was held in Almaty for development of the Joint Action Plan organized by Wildlife Without Borders Kazakhstan, as part of the project Enhancing Transboundary Conservation Efforts Between Chon-Kemin State Nature Park (Kyrgyzstan) and Ile-Alatau National Park (Kazakhstan) implemented with the financial support of the GIZ Regional Program “Integrative and Climate-sensitive Land Use in Central Asia”.
The workshop was attended by representatives of Chon-Kemin State Nature Park (Kyrgyzstan), Ile-Alatau National Park (Kazakhstan), Ilbirs Foundation (Kyrgyzstan) and Wildlife Without Borders Kazakhstan.
This project aims to establish a more unified and collaborative transboundary approach to conservation between Chon-Kemin State Nature Park (Kyrgyzstan) and Ile-Alatau National Park (Kazakhstan).
The two-day workshop resulted in the development of the Joint Action Plan that will provide the basis for continued cross-border cooperation under this project.
#TransboundaryConservation #JointActionPlan #IlbirsFoundation#WildlifeWithoutBorders #CentralAsia #NaturePreservation #ChonKeminStateNaturePark #IleAlatauNationalPark #ConservationEfforts #GIZ #ILUCA