Farmers regularly water, monitor, and weed the area. Due to their diligent care, the sea buckthorn shrubs are in excellent condition👍. ⠀ #unep #vanishingtreasures #фондИлбирс

Farmers regularly water, monitor, and weed the area. Due to their diligent care, the sea buckthorn shrubs are in excellent condition👍. ⠀ #unep #vanishingtreasures #фондИлбирс
Так, 21-22 мая они побывали в Государственном природном заповеднике «Беш-Арал», где обсудили результаты тестового периода и 1-квартала 2024 года по показателям SMART📲. Провели повторное обучение егерей по сбору данных с […]
Thanks to his informative presentation, we were able to compare the environmental parameters of France and Kyrgyzstan and learn a lot of valuable information. ⠀ @rx_benjamin worked with our foundation from […]
Each of us can play a role in protecting the world’s vulnerable flora and fauna. Join the #BiodiversityPlan, which offers a path to transformational action and harmony with nature by 2050. […]
Today, we are pleased to share the article by Paige Hellbaum Eikeland, “Open Standards Methodology as a Tool for Wildlife Conservation in Central Asia,” published on the Central Asian Mammals […]