Presented by the Ilbirs Foundation Public Fund as a part of the UNEP program “Vanishing Treasures”. ️ AI Photo Design Contest: “Vanishing Treasures of Kyrgyzstan” Celebrating the International Snow Leopard Day.

Entries accepted from October 6th to October 18th, 2023.
🐾Theme: Emphasizing the conservation of the Snow Leopard and its ecosystem. As the snow leopard stands as a poignant emblem of Kyrgyzstan’s untouched wilderness, it is unfortunately teetering on the brink of extinction. This contest endeavors to spotlight this critical concern using your unique AI- enhanced photo content.
Context: With technological evolution, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming an intrinsic part of our existence. Kyrgyzstan is witnessing a nascent yet potent surge in AI-integrated design, and through this contest, we aim to illuminate such innovations.

1. Limit your submission to 3 AI-enhanced designs.
2. Along with each design, include a brief description highlighting your inspiration, ideas, and any related suggestions.
3. Ensure that each piece is an authentic work, emphasizing the crucial role of preserving the snow leopard and its surroundings. Do not forget to credit yourself!
4. Open to all AI enthusiasts, both domestically and globally, who are aged 12 and above.

– The outstanding pieces will be honored with special prizes on October 31st.
– These chosen designs will also feature in the “Snow Leopard Exhibition 2023”, running from October 20th to 31st, 2023, at the prestigious G. Aitiev Museum of Fine Arts.
How to Participate:
1. Commence your participation by emailing your AI-enhanced designs, the accompanying descriptions, and your contact details to
2. If your submission catches the discerning eye of our committee, the contest organizers will be in touch.

Seize this chance to channel your creativity towards conserving a remarkable creature of nature!
#IlbirsFoundation #vanishingtreasures

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