В рамках проекта «Большие кошки Центральной Азии: ядра субпопуляций и
экологические коридоры», поддерживаемого National Geographic Society и SEGRE foundation при участии Conservation X Labs, состоялась первая экспедиция сотрудника фонда в микрозаповедник Байбоосун и зоологический заказник Жаргылчак
В Государственном природном парке «Алатай» совместно со специалистами Общественного Фонда «Фонд Илбирс» идут первые SMART патрулирования.
В Государственном природном парке «Алатай» совместно со специалистами Общественного Фонда «Фонд Илбирс» идут первые SMART патрулирования.
Another Field Benefits from Drip System Installation!
Another Field Benefits from Drip System Installation! One effective solution to water scarcity is the installation of drip irrigation. Under the UNEP Vanishing Treasures Program, the Ilbirs Foundation implemented drip […]
А two-day storytelling training took place in Bel-Aldy, Toktogul, and Suusamyr, organized by UNEP as part of the “Vanishing Treasures” project
А two-day storytelling training took place in Bel-Aldy, Toktogul, and Suusamyr, organized by UNEP as part of the “Vanishing Treasures” project
Ilbirs Foundation Update! In collaboration with the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and the Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Protected Areas, we’re excited to announce the launch of the second phase of our SMART system program in Kyrgyzstan’s protected areas
Ilbirs Foundation Update! In collaboration with the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and the Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Protected Areas, we’re excited to announce the launch of the second phase of our SMART system program in Kyrgyzstan’s protected areas