The Ilbirs Foundation brought together rangers from the Bayboosun micro-sanctuary, the Jargylchak zoological reserve, as well as the public associations Kara-Kujur and Kol-Ukok Ak Ilbirs to discuss important issues related […]

The Ilbirs Foundation brought together rangers from the Bayboosun micro-sanctuary, the Jargylchak zoological reserve, as well as the public associations Kara-Kujur and Kol-Ukok Ak Ilbirs to discuss important issues related […]
⠀ The poachers were detained by employees of the Ilbirs Foundation and the Tourist-Ecological Police. More details://
This international day allows us to recognize the value of wildlife and celebrate the important conservation work being done around the world🌏🕊️ ☝️. ⠀ Let’s make every effort to preserve the […]
The best rangers are awarded at this ceremony who protect amazing nature of Kyrgyzstan despite the upcoming dangers⚠️. ⠀ @Urmat Abykanov, the Ilbirs Foundation Public Fund staff, was awarded for excellence […]
@Urmat Abykanov, the Ilbirs Foundation Public Fund staff, was awarded for excellence in nature conservation and for contribution to work against violators of natural law at the 10th annual Ranger Awards […]