Tanya Rosen, MS, JD Director Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan Snow Leopard Programs October 21, 2016 In honor of International Snow Leopard Day on October 23, I wanted to share the story […]

We carry out activities concerning rare
and endangered species in educational,
cultural, and charitable spheres,
as well as conduct field research
on climate change and wildlife species
such as snow leopards and marmots.
Tanya Rosen, MS, JD Director Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan Snow Leopard Programs October 21, 2016 In honor of International Snow Leopard Day on October 23, I wanted to share the story […]
For the second year in a row, Dr. Ric Berlinski, a Toledo Zoo veterinarian, has participated in snow leopard conservation efforts in the Kyrgyz Republic. Read more at the ToledoBlade.com.
By Sebastian Kennerknecht Last year, I became well aware of how difficult it is to study snow leopards after I spent a month in the Tien Shan Mountains of eastern […]
The “Ghost Cat” is real.
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