These awe-inspiring images were skillfully recorded through strategically placed camera traps by the dedicated Ilbirs Staff in collaboration with the Khan-Teniri State Nature Park team, all part of the noteworthy […]

These awe-inspiring images were skillfully recorded through strategically placed camera traps by the dedicated Ilbirs Staff in collaboration with the Khan-Teniri State Nature Park team, all part of the noteworthy […]
В преддверии нового года мы делимся очень важной новостью для всех кыргызстанцев❗️ ⠀ Наш уважаемый президент Садыр Нургожоевич Жапаров подписал указ о принятии снежного барса национальным символом Кыргызской Республики❗️ Мы […]
From December 21 to 23, 2023, employees of the Protected Area of the Naryn Region Department of the Ministry of Environmental Resources, Ecology and Technical Supervision of the Kyrgyz Republic, […]