Horse trek Itagar to Toktogul

Multi-stage road

 Geological highlights: Lakes, wildlife,
nomad’s yurts, rivers …
Cultural historical interest


Homestay – 1 night in Toktogul town

Camping tent – 4 nights

Horseback riding / Hiking tour: "Chychkan - Beshtash - Alatai"

Chychkan Gorge is one of the most beautiful and picturesque gorges in Jalal-Abad region of
Kyrgyz Republic. It was established by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Kyrgyz SSR
on November 6, 1975 №567. Its average height is 2,200 meters. Bishkek — Osh road runs
through the gorge, the slopes of which are covered with Tien Shan spruce trees, flowers, and
The Chychkan Gorge begins from Ala-Bel pass, located at the western end of Suusamyr, and
stretches for tens of kilometers to the south, to Toktogul reservoir. A fast-flowing river of the
same name runs along the gorge's floor; it starts in the mountains near Ala-Bel Pass and flows
into the large Toktogul reservoir. The Chychkan Gorge is rich in biodiversity and is one of
Kyrgyzstan's 32 main biodiversity zones.
State Natural Park “Alatai” in the Toktogul district of Jalal-Abad region of the Kyrgyz Republic on
an area of 56826.4 hectares was established on January 26, 2016, by the Resolution of the
Government of the Kyrgyz Republic.
To conserve biodiversity and, the economic well-being of the local population and improve local
infrastructure, it is important to develop ecotourism in this region. The region has great
potential for ecotourism and organizing a tourist route connecting with natural attractions.
By promoting active hiking and horseback riding along these routes, we can develop a
comprehensive range of services, including organization, horse rentals, guide services, guest
house accommodations, transport services, and entrance fees, etc.

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